Education & E-Learning Platforms

Improve learning with formats that students love

Unlock the full potential of educational content by harnessing the formats that students love. From captivating lectures and engaging podcasts to inspiring guest speaker talks, insightful interviews, interactive tutorials, and compelling presentations, our platform empowers you to create any type of educational content effortlessly.

Texo - AI-Driven content automation for podcasters | Product Hunt

Why Educators Love Texo

Seamless Integration of Multimedia for Dynamic Classrooms

Enrich your teaching environment with seamless multimedia integration. Experience unparalleled quality, coupled with an intuitive user interface designed to elevate the learning experience. With our 1-click extraction tools, you can captivate your students and foster their active engagement through simplified lectures that highlight the most important aspects of your lessons.

Transform Audio Lectures into Captivating Text Experiences

Experience a remarkable transformation of traditional audio lectures into immersive text experiences. With just a few clicks, leverage the power of cutting-edge AI technology to help generate lesson plans, discussion questions, key themes, and important quotes. Store your content in-platform to review, edit, and save your important moments.

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